High consumer voltage is now the BIG problem.

Ten or twenty years ago the main voltage complaint from domestic customers to electricity suppliers was occasional or perhaps persistent low voltage. We developed the EC-1V, a single phase voltage logger to measure and record the delivered voltage. This was and is used by many power companies around the world. Many companies then wanted to also record the customer's current draw, to see if the voltage drop was caused by taking too much current.  We recommend the EC-2VA for this.

Over voltages are generally caused by onsite or locally based renewable generation stations. The problems that over voltages can cause are tripping of solar inverters, solar hybrid inverters and battery charge and management systems. Often this equipment is owned by the complainant.

If the complaint is over voltage, the recent phenomena, you can revert to voltage only recording, as it arguably not (as) important what the customer's current draw is!  What is indeed relevant is whether or not the customer has (or is in the neighbourhood of) renewable generation, such as solar PV, wind turbine, hydro or other. It is also important for the electricity suppler to ensure that the onsite generation is turned off during the voltage logging period. This allows the actual delivered voltage to be recorded, uninfluenced by the local generation. If the customer's voltage is recorded with the embedded generation on, then the voltages recorded do not (not) represent the supplier's delivered voltage.

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